
lā gǎn

意思解释:(Pull rod)安装在机械或建筑物上起牵引作用的杆形构件。 大陆地区指安装在机械或建筑物上起牵引作用的杆形构件,如自行车刹车上的长铁棍。




Installation has the lever form member of drawing action on machinery or building. 1936 scientific pictorial the 3rd thirteenth period: Award of Yi of bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase of chart of Shi of cure of Qi of Si of shell of clam of coat  bring a case to court knocks at  of cover with a straw mat of dog of  of Mu Man clear to tell lament road to catch  of Piao of glue of  of  of deficient of ㄒ a flat stone on iron rammer with ropes attached at the sides to rancor! 959 year forge of · of trade catalogue of machinery of People's Republic of China, strong, pressure, cut machine,

