fèi juàn
意思解释:(Abandon roll)放下书。谓中止阅读。
(The Song Dynasty / Zhao Dingchen / in with Qin Zhitong cottage, see send) couplet of neck of ○ an eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme. 1000, 10, the different number with right amount is right. Roll, surround, ...
废组词、卷组词、 看详、洲溆、止憩、油椭、封侯、审美、饮光、盘璞、祖腊、宽绰、各色、贾客、玉案、萤烛、随荫、卖帐、史文、渴病、恍悟、废卷、