gǔ jǐn
意思解释:(Gu Jin)年代久远的锦缎。 见“古锦囊”。
The source sees beautiful line of bright and beautiful bursa . Point to the bag of lay aside poem, or call a poem the assemble. Song Hanwei does the Hua Shuzi before Bao Kuidian answer Song Zhongdao poetic: Umbrella of hammer of of of faint of soak of of bluff of salary of Luan of dizzy Ping of the big and thick that press Hao wining with dregs! Luo of You of nose Chen is ill to Ji diameter fat elegant person causes abide fine accident greatly, be received by gentleman Gu Jin. ...
古组词、锦组词、 独夫、所及、顿沦、绝望、自居、长啸、修励、窝头、虹裳、门款、星缠、暍疾、畅草、多攒、目覩、局致、来俊、贪邪、羁迟、古锦、