
gōu qú

意思解释:(Tick off Qu)古代斗的别名。




(1) halberd kind enginery. does · of a high official in ancient China consider a fate : Make a low bank of earth between fields of Man of Xuan of ⒂ of  of plinth of  of locust heir curtain smooth with a rake! The province of the family name of ancestor Qu covered with clouds of2) buddhism says, borrow point to buddhism. Liu Kezhuang He Xinlang : Cling to deceive of  of Pao of lift up of Ⅰ of  of А of press or rub against! Dan: Like floral of(3) of otter of billows of teach of acyl  shaddock both sides of root, Xie Xiang grows. civil child the heart on · : Bay  of  of Jing Jia Zha!

