kǒng mò
意思解释:(Kong Mo)儒家学派创始人孔子与墨家学派创始人墨子的并称。亦指儒墨二派。
[Provenance] anthology · class originallies < answer guest makes fun of > . [Paraphrase] sage times of peace and prosperity, cursory, hard stable. Every go to Mo Zi to be in Lian Zao dash forward (the chimney on kitchen) did not fume black migratory to Confucius of other place; every go to a place to did not warm even attend a banquet heat reachs another place again. [Usage] appearance busies affairs of human life, be too busy how to be resided. [Commonly used...
孔组词、墨组词、 简稽、心魄、打拍、灾轸、私起、军营、凄怀、呈递、守虏、诗话、焱忽、寸折、灵翰、吠尧、升天、怨女、支值、讳讦、西笑、孔墨、