
yù cái

意思解释:(Yo material)见“育才”。


劝学: 鼓励人努力学习。善于治理国家的,没有比培育人才更重要的;培育人才的办法,没有比鼓励人努力学习更重要的。指育人劝学是治国的根本大计。语出宋·范仲淹《上时相议制举书》:“夫善国者,莫先育材;育材之方,莫先劝学…


Persuade to learn:  of ρ of  of harmonious  wait ah I plain Shi defends inclined faze of brandish of  of standard of Hua  industry the idea that of  of plaque of  of gull of chirp  twinkling fosters a talent, it is more important to did not learn than urging a person hard. Person pointing to Yo persuades to learn the ultimate a major programme of lasting importance that is manage state affairs. Language Fan Zhongyan of · giving the Song Dynasty is the photograph when going up discussed make cite a book : What amine razor clam pings  of  Lu  throws capable person of  Yo is square,

