zhì jiàn
意思解释:(Pheasant gully)山谷名。相传南朝梁罗子锺埋葬此处,化而为雉,故名。
Bird name. Common says grouse , pheasant . theory judge · different empty : Ah show off installs Guan of of Qia school miserable lofty of bay Duo ! form: The unit of area of city wall of computation of ancient time of Sui ② . Grow 3 a unit of length, tall one a unit of length is one pheasant. fair the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor of the different hidden from view that pass · : σ of of of of of Tong of of gun of bank slash is ill! : 3 points to flesh of of Pu of Shan bursa Yao city wall...
雉组词、涧组词、 频世、设摆、宿本、麤俗、心思、白族、黑檎、虺民、爽信、条循、愎狠、寒商、贰使、循良、小指、凤德、碣子、闻名、骨骺、雉涧、