hóu fú
意思解释:(Hou Fu)古代王城外围,按距离远近划分的区域之一。(1)夏制称离王城一千里的地方。《书·禹贡》:“五百里甸服……五百里侯服。”孔传:“甸服外之五百里。侯,候也,斥候而服事。”(2)周制称王城周围方千里以外的方五百里的地区。《周礼·夏官·职方氏》:“乃辨九服之邦国,方千里曰王畿,其外方五百里曰侯服,又其外方五百里曰甸服。”郑玄注:“服,服事天子也。”旧说以《书·禹贡》所记为夏制,《周礼·夏官·职方氏》所记为周制。参见“五服”、“九服”。 服王侯之衣。
White careless Huang Sha laughs at wild goose official, clothes scale interpose already was not true. Know another name for Guangdong Province of the You Bin that hold a surname in both hands, may not divides Fujian of Mao Ke arrogate to oneself! The southern part of the country a book atmosphere desire is clean, beijing shows cloth Mo Yingxin on the west. ...
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