
gāng shé

意思解释:(Just folded)谓刚直不阿,敢于当面指摘人的过失。


折(zhé): 折断。物体过于刚硬,就容易折断。比喻人在为人处世上过于刚烈,就容易受挫折。《东周列国志》三九回:“子玉为人,勇于任事,而昧于决机。能进而不能退,可使佐斗,不可专任也。若以军政委之,必至偾事。谚云‘太刚则折…


Fold (Zh é ) : Rare 1 of Po of be soiled of Wan of leg of  of Bo of shaming billabong of  of Qian of a unit of weight used in ancient China of ≌ Po rare N throws the residence of a high official of scald in order to remove hairs or feathers of Zi Jiao of Wan of leg of  of Yao of shaming camphor tree of blind  of man of κ of Shun of  of Xuan of evil spirit cough! Shake  of  discharge ancienting name for a water catltrop to use up of Fei  vomit child jade humanness, be brave in to assume a responsibility, and be ignorant of at definitely machine. Can cannot retreat then, can make assist is fought,

