piě xū
意思解释:(Cast aside empty)装假。
[paraphrase and usage] renown measure word. 1. A kind of strokes of metric Chinese character, is appearance Piao : of yellow miserable dark two small cast aside / casting aside ∥ character 8 less is to cast aside one right-falling stroke. / the Zun Shangduan of travel word is two small cast aside. / join a word below be 3 cast aside, cannot write into 3 horizontal strokes. 2. Metric the thing: that resembles casting aside Crafty cuts aid into parts two cast aside character 8 to need / two cast aside mustache ∥ his age not...
撇组词、虚组词、 杙屋、人厄、燠馆、热灼、研究、捐选、永隔、前站、锦水、逃户、靓仔、香红、金花、举声、父党、支拽、策世、身范、邻光、撇虚、