jìng zhuān
意思解释:(Static only)贞静专一。语出《易·系辞上》:“其静也专,其动也直。”韩康伯注:“专,专一也。”
on easy · copulative : Eight smalls piece of land surrounded by water storehouse of of Wei of of ǎ of miserable dark blue is thin! Bake blocks only, concentrated also. hind with static only call chastity is static concentrated. Tang Yuanzhen does Gao Yungong award Shi Yu history to know sundry to make : Thin
静组词、专组词、 海军、中阪、侧室、洛荒、渊薮、旷怀、认定、道顺、古体、骨鲠、车衣、刮擦、后乘、及禄、绅粮、韬弦、青伤、移船、扶栏、静专、