yáng shí
意思解释:(Yang Shi)指雄黄、硫磺、钟乳石之类性热的石药。 指汉阳石公主。 古城名。在今安徽省霍丘县东南。南朝梁天监二年,后魏以降将陈伯之为江州刺史屯阳石,即此。参阅清顾祖禹《读史方舆纪要·江南·寿州》。
The source sees Jing Yang well . Point to column of stone of well of Jing Yang hall. Old hind advocate with Zhang Lihua love the wife of a prince in pairs is cast hereat well, friend says. Father of time of Liu of the Song Dynasty does the village after the song below Chinese flowering crabapple of full river red · move republican word: Thin
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