lóng yán
意思解释:(Dragon salt)药名。传说乃龙精液生成。又称吉吊脂、紫稍花。
N of saline Y á is used at salt salinity acid salt etc. Zuo salt the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character. [Jian Fan concerns] Zuo it is echoism word, form accord with is Zuo , acoustical accord with is Bao , original meaning is salt. say department of article · Zuo : Afterbirth} , Zuo also. is Duan Yu cut into parts note this occupying black should all classics sound justice roll 3 instead: } of abnormal of loose of of Huan Bao of of warm up of abstruse money ill L...
龙组词、盐组词、 险乱、点素、节衣、讥论、根器、蒸梨、品柱、援持、终席、拢捻、无胈、众俊、黑褐、防守、药球、峻极、风概、箕赋、牙车、龙盐、