shùn mò
意思解释:(Arrange Chinese ink)慎到、墨翟的并称。顺,通“慎”。
Preposition location preposition, condition preposition. One, location preposition. Introduce the location of behavioral behavior by. But interpret is along , down etc. Be like: (1) direct current and east row, as to the North sea. (village · autumn water ) -- go eastwards along current, reach the North sea. (2) square its defeat Jing Zhou, hill of lower reaches of the Changjiang River, direct current and east also, a thousand li aing convoy of ships, banners and flags is my...
顺组词、墨组词、 卖会、一满、两大、夔牙、攘却、辉粲、刨刀、乳贙、髼松、带厉、蒿径、衅主、候拜、织金、潮腻、凈饰、日语、开假、内丹、顺墨、