shǔ lí
意思解释:(Rat pear)果实名。即杨檖。又称山梨。
Pear L í is used at pear tree Bai Li a kind of pear grown in Hebei Province etc. pear a variant form of a Chinese character. [Jian Fan concerns] it is echoism word, form accord with is wood, acoustical accord with is in above, original meaning is fruiter name. say department of article · wood : of of ! Pen of light jacket Jin just barium seeks Sui of of sluggish of of rinse Dan ! Rare of of rare ぶ pear, with . different...
鼠组词、梨组词、 中才、搏髀、成梁、钩串、恩福、朗丽、见口、金尘、岁月、补纫、规戒、膏炉、放衙、版本、诈故、道途、词科、丧煞、闲地、鼠梨、