
zhé dài

意思解释:(Always is acting)擅自替代。




(1) usurps authority, do sth without authorization. is Cui Peng of boreal history · passed : Bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase of  of  of Yin of evil spirit of  of  of fierce Zheng of my hill Jiao is bad also deceive   ! 2) always is, often. history write down biographies of · plum general :  of Ang Lin  cheats painful  stopping  to make Gan Pi grand! of  of Xun of lotus root of ふ of Luo of He of thin funny Mie judge not admire is become world, the official that resides, ~ for many years not move from one place to another. (3) instantly, with respect to. Ou Yangxiu drunk Weng Ting...

