qiào dài
意思解释:(Become warped wait for)盼望等待。
〈动〉翘首等待。形容非常急切地等待。◇当然,成功与否,尚取决于您的参观,我们翘待着海内外朋友的指教。(人民日报海外版.2000.10.17)◇宁夏烹调旅游佳肴 翘待宾客尽情品尝(人民网.2002.4.29)…
< move > raise one's head and look awaits. Describe very agog ground to await. ◇ of course, successful, still depend on your look around, we become warped needing global friend give advice or comments. (The People's Daily is abroad cate of travel of cook of Ningxia of edition.2000.10.17) ◇ becomes warped wait for guest to sample to the top of one's bent (people net.2002.4.29) ...
翘组词、待组词、 回填、肆訾、果马、扩大、菜馆、研摩、洗剔、选纪、使符、浪莽、菜子、房宿、舍人、皂衣、苍皇、隐涵、心休、删掠、苦味、翘待、