
shè rén

意思解释:(Abandon a person)官名。战国及汉初王公贵人私门之官。仆从;差役。宋·元以来俗称显贵子弟为舍人。 战国 及 汉 初王公贵人私门之官。 宋 元 以来俗称显贵子弟为舍人。




(1) the Warring States comes Chinese first those who be close to the left and right sides is the attendants guest of expensive official of princes and dukes, appellative, namely a hanger-on of an aristocrat, deadbeat. cheap quite Lin Xiangru biographies : Do obeisance to  come on divide evenly of  of Lu of an ancient term for silk fabrics Bo   says  of Yan Ting of brandish Bi Xuan! Bureaucratic children habit says to abandon a person when2) Song Yuan, still weigh childe, see more in opera novel. Anonymous person rice of Chen Zhou sell chock: Deceive of  of the rostellum austral ammoniac ǖ

