shè rén
意思解释:(Abandon a person)官名。战国及汉初王公贵人私门之官。仆从;差役。宋·元以来俗称显贵子弟为舍人。 战国 及 汉 初王公贵人私门之官。 宋 元 以来俗称显贵子弟为舍人。
(1) the Warring States comes Chinese first those who be close to the left and right sides is the attendants guest of expensive official of princes and dukes, appellative, namely a hanger-on of an aristocrat, deadbeat. cheap quite Lin Xiangru biographies : Do obeisance to come on divide evenly of of Lu of an ancient term for silk fabrics Bo says of Yan Ting of brandish Bi Xuan! Bureaucratic children habit says to abandon a person when2) Song Yuan, still weigh childe, see more in opera novel. Anonymous person rice of Chen Zhou sell chock: Deceive of of the rostellum austral ammoniac ǖ
舍组词、人组词、 奉身、吉从、栉剔、激醒、翻卦、长民、细数、回填、肆訾、果马、扩大、菜馆、研摩、洗剔、选纪、使符、浪莽、菜子、房宿、舍人、