zhū qiān
意思解释:(Bright red autograph)红色竹签。旧时官府交付差役拘捕犯人的凭证。 朱簽:见“硃籤”。亦作“硃签”。硃籤:以朱墨作记的封签。系旧时官府委办紧要事件临时发给的凭证。
N of the ā that sign Qi is used at autograph sign autograph detain etc. ② is used at the autograph is shown opinion of attach a slip of paper to a document with comments on it etc. ③ is used at autograph language ballot try a tack etc. ④ is used at label bookmark an a note pasted on the margin of a page is stuck on slipcase etc. ⑤ is used at bamboo is signed toothpick etc. ⑥ is used at signed on clothes manner...
朱组词、签组词、 朱栏、封禺、六省、岚彩、朗声、关启、槐街、号名、眇小、院宇、竹批、彭泽、赤鼻、辣酱、沧凉、偷合、胚叶、幕下、佛老、朱签、