sū zhé
意思解释:(Su Zhe)(1039-1112)北宋散文家。字子由,眉州眉山(今属四川)人。嘉年间进士。官至门下侍郎,执掌朝政。后被贬,晚年定居颍川,号颍滨遗老。与父苏洵、兄苏轼合称“三苏”,均列入“唐宋八大家”。有《栾城集》。
Think civil person angry place form, like that article is not OK learn and can, gas can be raised and send. Su Zhe on center is close Han Taiwei book carry Zheng Yuan of say a few parting words to go up, in all long-distance be afraid of Xue Ni. Su Zhe the Chi Jizi that conceive Mian look up elder brother ...
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