
fá zhǐ

意思解释:(Cut down trifoliate orange)《后汉书·岑彭传》:“﹝岑熙﹞迁魏郡太守,招聘隐逸,与参政事,无为而化。视事二年,舆人歌之曰:'我有枳棘,岑君伐之;我有蟊贼,岑君遏之。'”后因以“伐枳”为颂扬官吏善政的典故。




is Cen Peng of · of book of the later Han dynasty passed : Cen Xi] county of change the Kingdom of Wei is viceregal, ease of concealed of invite applications for a job, with ginseng government affairs, do-nothing and change. Attend to business after assuming office 2 years, of area person song say:  need to allow of ブ of  of    I have a person harmful to the country and people, of check of a surname gentleman. ' hind because of with cut down trifoliate orange for emblazon government official the literary quotation of politics of be apt to. Does my  carry ヨ of  of Qi Li ⅲ to live

