
zhèn xiàng

意思解释:(Shake elephant)《易·说卦》:“震为雷,为龙,为玄黄……其于马也,为善鸣,为馵足,为作足,为的颡。”高亨注:“震为雷,雷之动迅速,此四种马行亦迅速,故曰。”后因以“震象”喻指骏马。 《易·说卦》:“震为龙。”因以“震象”指帝王气象。




does easy · say divinatory symbols : Stop snipe  wishs  of  of Pi of  of  of  of    Xu calumnies  of  of Bo of a flat stone on iron rammer with ropes attached at the sides spills    [sufficient, it is sufficient, be forehead. after with shake elephant analogy points to courser. Emperor of Liang Yuan of the Southern Dynasties answer Qi Guoma book : Hold high swim  bumps into mulberry  to taste shake of of  of  ㄖ  to resemble flying article, laugh at quarter jade of Dong Ying. also because of shake is dragon point to imperial atmosphere...

