
yào mí

意思解释:(Want blown away by wind)社会地位低微的人,平庸的人。要,通“幺”。《商君书·夜战》:“是故豪杰皆可变业,务学《诗》《书》,随从外权,上可以得显,下可以求官爵;要靡事商贾,为技艺,皆以避农战。”高亨注:“或说:'要靡当读为么。《鹖冠子·道端篇》云:无道之君任用么,动即烦浊;有道之君在用俊雄,动则明白,彼以么与俊雄讨官,与此以豪杰与要靡对言同义。'杨(杨树达)说:'要靡谓细僾之人也。要假为幺。《说文》:幺,小也。《小尔雅·广言》:靡,细也。'”一说追逐奢侈者。




(1) is dispersive. the inspire confidence in sb in Zhouyi · : Unplug  of  of  of Piao of Sheng of  of have diarrhoea magnesian Deng! : of the rank of nobility (2) of broken a huge legendary turtle is wasteful. Gu Yi theory accumulate lay aside scanty : yo of Ju of Gu of  of  of  of  of Ni of Tuo of   Gu! Caboodle of Suan of those leek Hua guides bed investigate idle my sexes are not fond of China ~ . (3) is damaged. is mandarin · jumped over below language :  of  of Yao of  of Quan of bad of  of  of  of elder brother of Ba Li sell pigs  rancors!

