qīn chuàn
意思解释:(String together in person)关系密切的人。 亲戚。
(—guàn) 亲近的人。谢惠连《秋怀》诗:“因歌遂成赋,聊用布亲串。”②亲戚。黄宗羲《两异人传》:“去之三十年,其亲串曾莫得其音尘。”…
(, the person that Gu à N) is close to. Is Xie Hui connected Qiu Huai poetic: Fei of the Pa that make buffalo gnat smooth with a rake sifts constant to flinch appearance writes down shape ! Qian of hail Sui bright; Chart Xi excuse me reads of of the Shun that uncover melt those who go year, its string together Ceng Mo to get its sound dust in person. ...
亲组词、串组词、 很愎、角刃、黑翳、荆公、昭涉、强近、确确、流温、些个、毛房、壮锦、账单、愁人、八师、解呈、丢灵、监官、劻济、违农、亲串、