yú huǒ
意思解释:(Yu fire)《周礼·夏官·司爟》“四时变国火”汉郑玄注:“郑司农说以鄹子曰:'春取榆柳之火。'”本谓春天钻榆、柳之木以取火种,后因以“榆火”为典,表示春景。
The source sees Pure Brightness fire . This calling vernal getting Yu, Liu Zhimu in order to take kindling material, hind in order to express Chun Jing. Tang Lijiao does the cold tomorrow that feed Qing Dynasty go to Wang Men early to be led poetic: of wail of Υ of Liao of Qi of of ⅲ of of bring a case to court of full caution altar! Fat of treasure of Ru of add of of nose Qian Miao ground of paillasse green Li does not have dirt, the morning sun dims Yu fire is new. ...
榆组词、火组词、 无易、路程、病恚、练兵、五例、褊躁、渴乌、宾孟、村鄙、大嚣、支解、飞锋、乐池、蔽惑、经板、来月、胥附、销匿、沈雅、榆火、