kě wū
意思解释:(Thirsty black)古代吸水用的曲筒。 犹金乌。太阳。
Ancient time is bibulous implement. Zhang Rangchuan of · of book of the later Han dynasty : Grieve of of dam swollen tan acts the role of Sui of grave ┯ to long for two of palpitate of benzene of daughter-in-law of Qia of sole bud! of collapse neodymium appropriate to turn over, set engine with thirsty black of; of pilot a ship into a harbour, go up in order to enrage pilot a ship into a harbour for music canister also. ...
渴组词、乌组词、 左头、千衲、乌啼、摄勾、炼焦、寺壁、涣弛、越法、谪罚、秾饰、挫针、临照、委练、无易、路程、病恚、练兵、五例、褊躁、渴乌、