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意思解释:(Be like)佛教语。谓诸法皆平等不二的法性理体。如,理的异名。 佛教语。指永恒存在的真如。 佛教语。引申为永存,常在。
Conjunction, adverbial, preposition, auxiliary word. Conjunction is hypothesis conjunction, choice conjunction, paratactic conjunction, turn conjunction, suitable bear conjunction. One, hypothesis conjunction. Commonly used assume at assuming clause expresses before a sentence of two or more clauses, clause shows a result from the back, clause often has from the back criterion cooperate to it. But interpret is if , if etc. Be like: (...
如组词、如组词、 统驭、江胥、纤碎、兼属、延英、抚怀、禅要、连聚、稳下、串骗、外物、宪曹、兴工、头厅、作奸、琐弩、选题、禅栖、昆墟、如如、