
mò jiāng

意思解释:(End general)位次于上将和次将的将领。指低级将官。犹言小将。将官的谦称。 指低级将官。 犹言小将。将官的谦称。




(1) second at going up the general is mixed second will general. history the Xiang Yu that write down · this discipline : Cling to scepter of  of dew of my thoroughfare whencing analyse touchs Ji lean close to Xiang Yu of of  of administer of dizzy  of blown away by wind of   Mou is Lu Gong, for second; Fan Zengwei ~ , save Zhao. (the modest of 2) general says. apotheosis historical novel thirtieth 2:  of flying Ji of  of Γ of my contraction onlying  grows ' ~ knows king to need westerly Qi, in order to cast bright advocate...

