zèng sù
意思解释:(Give millet)语出《三国志·吴志·鲁肃传》:“周瑜为居巢长,将数百人故过候肃,并求资粮。肃家有两囷米,各三千斛,肃乃指一囷与周瑜,瑜益知其奇也,遂相亲结。”后因以“赠粟”为慷慨解囊相赠之典。
Mai Huangyu is washed white, black suffering of fine male scale. Fight dissatisfaction 10 money, valence is mean and worthless be like earth. Long go to the countryside comes in, ferocious crosses fierce tiger. Thatched cottage be placed in the middle sits, explore bosom goes out urge book. Show book breathes out full name, slave of not less than and captive. Careful Fengyan is diligent, food and drink...
赠组词、粟组词、 爽俐、告病、巾幂、千霜、颢汗、王蔧、握铅、慕习、禅衲、项枕、翘关、棚栏、中子、砑鼓、山脊、心地、本作、丹粟、顿置、赠粟、