gāo xīn
意思解释:(Gao Xin)帝喾初受封于辛,后即帝位,号高辛氏。
Namely Ku of the Supreme Being. The monarch in fokelore. from coquettish : Amine nobelium thinks of of Guo of benevolence Ju monarch to show whistle forest allows to shake! of Bi ascend Feng Gao Xin, ku of the Supreme Being issues order one day also. does this · emperor fasten the world : Case whistle Lao holds slope two to protect dark slope to spin farsighted of Li of of crusty pancake of of Γ of discharge of cadmium of х of slanting of of bright Dan to subtle shaming whistle dysentery!
高组词、辛组词、 坞候、沙涂、警勇、虚赚、伴随、家老、县符、幽燕、气类、鹏鳌、太宵、借寇、捱次、单衔、阴潜、法羊、翔骤、野才、秋思、高辛、