chōng báo
意思解释:(Strong thin)年幼德薄。
Interpose is sided with or to. [illustrative sentence] my ~ sun says, I am to stem from a sincerity completely. [synonymous] illuminate to; to; face; [differentiate and analyse] strong multi-purpose at colloquial; to current term, still can use at representing target of study, me-too. See additionally face . ② uprights by; basis. [illustrative sentence] wear with respect to ~ his that manner, can you agree [...
冲组词、薄组词、 熬磨、神厂、滑溜、供赋、黑陶、一流、银铺、洿耻、勤实、狐首、赏设、横劲、豁略、付命、上日、秉节、发还、荡宥、奉土、冲薄、