chǐ mǎ
意思解释:(Measures)尺寸的长短大小。 标准。如:这两件事性质不同,怎能用同一个尺码来量?
尺寸;尺寸的大小(多指鞋帽):各种~的帽子都齐全同一号的鞋,有时候~不一样。 标准:咱们得用战士的~来衡量自己。…
The size of dimension; dimension (much cap pointing to a shoe) : of children's hair frame takes fraud commission Xing of of male of Nuo of delay of of of plan meat and fish dishes bakes of Jie grey lie! sunlight we get to measure our with the soldier's ~ . ...
尺组词、码组词、 绀珠、潏波、戒严、八纮、沸潭、寓迹、舍敬、合变、锋轺、胥山、葭律、蓄毓、膏油、垠鄂、持衰、顺齿、错文、要目、鸦深、尺码、