
tiāo tī

意思解释:(Captious)在细节上过分苛刻指摘。 过分指摘细微差错。 指点。《景德传灯录·郢州桐泉山和尚》作“挑揥”。




(1) < move > demand perfection blames; to look for illness overly on some sideshow. is official circles reveal one's true features written down thirtieth 5:  of postscript heart Kuang revive v/LIT an amphora-like jar of courtyard of  of Sun Ju Zhu Niu of Yi Qiao of  of plinth of Luo of Mo of beat of lane of einsteinium of Ke of  of boundless and indistinct of ∮ of crack with teeth in mouth (2) < move > elaborate; to develop. 5 lantern shows yuan a Buddhist monk of hill of spring of tung of city of · capital of the State of Chu : White of Xi   ' how be photograph heart trouble ' master...

