
sōng jīng

意思解释:(Fleabane Beijing)洛阳的别称。因嵩山在其东南,故称。




(1) hill high and steep. Ma Rong An Chengsong :  of amine Fu  lows! of  of Piao of Bei of ┌ of forge of Tong of mail of Xian of M of to fold of Bei brown father thoroughfare open of front courtyard great, high of Gong Miao ~ . (2) hill name, point to Zhong Yuesong hill. Yu Xin is sad Changjiang Delta endowed with :  of Qia of  of  of  of 100 a huge legendary turtle! China: Liu You of be good at of Bian late  ascend 1000 peaks a pavilion or house on a terrace :

