yíng zào
意思解释:(Receive kitchen range)腊月廿三夜送灶神后,俗于正月初一迎祭灶神谓“迎灶”,或曰接灶。
Cloud Cheng returns Neon an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast 7 days. Welcome of the New Year's Eve. Yao knows green jade to fall approach clouds hall, it is Ming Dynasty, avoid face surely. With abstruse He Xuyun fawn on, if god of hold a memorial ceremony for is in alone sincere. Hutch department lot holds east balance. Should arrange public feelings.
迎组词、灶组词、 瑕英、霜蹄、迁史、在列、络绎、牧刍、鬼瞰、孙心、争敢、贺问、沩仰、撒袋、事律、国体、凋缺、飘溢、蹄声、肉叉、饮饭、迎灶、