chén guǐ
意思解释:(Time time)日月星之光。比喻天子。
Call the light of life star. Compare the moral character of the emperor. anthology · Liu Yun < is imperatorial banquet made by the life this poem > : Umbrella of β of Xie of of of Guo of to bring up of my scabies elder brother! of dark blue of collapse Scandium Xiong time time, yu Tianzi also. ...
辰组词、晷组词、 讯杖、民民、周帀、追惧、九原、贞桐、潜珍、纳善、过夏、列宅、拖缠、叨践、二难、外政、沦坏、讴哑、疍民、灰熛、余哀、辰晷、