yōu kè
意思解释:(Quiet settle or live in a strange place)指隐士。 兰之别名。 山矾之别名。
Anchoret. Thank enter town of Sun Quan reason with Fu Wuchang : Dam looks of Xu of Tuo apprentice lows by protruding miscellaneous й ! Hail hey merchant of R of Ti rancors paragraph provide dinner for of Fu of fat of miscellaneous Sha orchid for quiet settle or live in a strange place. ...
幽组词、客组词、 库金、入禅、麢羊、界部、卫助、障扇、泥淖、左国、养内、双译、科室、湎乱、硬撑、讹替、地堑、听政、淘浚、禀呈、谴责、幽客、