yǎng nèi
意思解释:(Raise inside)调养内心,培养自己的思想品德。语本《庄子·达生》:“豹(单豹)养其内,而虎食其外。”
善于保养生命的人保养内心,不善于保养生命的人保养外表。语出宋·唐慎微《证类本草·衍义总序》:“夫善养生者养内,不善养生者养外。养外者实外,以充快、悦泽、贪欲、恣情为务,殊不知外实则内虚也。”[例] ~。养内者,以恬…
The person that is good at maintaining order of preserve one's health maintains heart, not to be pooh-poohed maintains at keeping the person of life of preserve one's health outside. Language is Tang Shen of · giving the Song Dynasty small card kind does · of a book on Chinese medicine spread out justice total order : Bao exemple] ~ . Raise inside person, in order to quiet...
养组词、内组词、 豁浪、穵运、周渥、憩歇、蕃育、临淄、峰林、北首、幽婉、待东、鸭儿、库金、入禅、麢羊、界部、卫助、障扇、泥淖、左国、养内、