zhāo guān
意思解释:(Clear closes)地名。在安徽省含山县北,小岘山西。山势险仄,因以为关。春秋时为吴楚界地,往来要冲。楚人伍子胥奔吴,曾经此道。宋绍兴中张浚尝因山筑城,以抗金兵。
Gaunt reed neutron, west wind gives Hunan to close. White horse of long wave float, hero changes Zhu Yan. Shang Youchui xiao passes, idle of sword of empty Yu small box. Flood dragon dragon observes battle strike, jiang Hai enters Jing Man. Mian of anger Yu frog, circumfluence breaks ring. Deep and remote beautiful confused can pick, stone...
昭组词、关组词、 蜡剪、侮物、吮卒、歌歌、上陈、水道、把浅、制指、个位、垂螺、显拔、师友、使指、元模、白学、稳婆、失悦、冰窖、风息、昭关、