yú shēng
意思解释:(The fish is raw)食品名。生鱼脍。鲜活鱼切成薄片,洗净血腥,加蒜、姜、醋等佐料而成。
Feed the name of an article. Raw fish meats chopped into small pieces. Slice of fresh live fish, abluent and bloody, add the spice such as garlic, ginger, vinegar and into. Guo Mei if does Japanese people develop overview : Dam casts elaborate felt saves human skeleton of Chi of be good at of of of of crafty of lot of of accept of suitable predestined relationship to liveSashimi ' thorn body ' ) , it is current state actually the fish that one area has is raw. ...
鱼组词、生组词、 赪肩、官情、野次、夹城、驹驰、徽荣、金镜、弥迤、中中、红螺、交糺、瓜萤、夸毗、讲家、遣言、仿冒、伤人、子气、弢迹、鱼生、