yú yuè
意思解释:(Even more month)亦作“踰月”。 古代礼制,士死后要满一个月,到第二个月才下葬,称为“逾月”之制。 谓时间超过一个月。
1. time exceeds a month, a many month. The emperor in July and bury, finish with course to; vassal in May, come federally Dr; March, parity comes; person ~ , marriage comes outside. (fair the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor of the different hidden from view that pass · ) ~ of ② happy drink, ignore of great capacity of surplus of floating in the air goes, even more year old and return. (· of dew of crane forest jade coils one ) ③ director not ~ , book book kisses all day. (· of part of document of characters on a seal carved in relief commentate establish...
逾组词、月组词、 名网、韵脚、朱竿、设建、墨工、获麟、朱颜、洗濯、强切、到家、测癞、天体、阻长、宫事、送殡、金钱、麤易、工票、盯梢、逾月、