gōng shì
意思解释:(Palace thing)古代指妇女在家庭中承担的事务,如女工、养蚕及其他室内劳作等。 谓太子宫中的有关事宜。
Send heavy of day of fast vast hall, vague impression of cloth of pagoda tree of green embellish front courtyard is deep. Bright dawn says life of the imperial order that face admire, pluvial Shi Rezhu cares. Dare forget to yearn for classics former times, beneficial cuts afterwards glacial Jing from today. Qian Yijing of fragrant grass window is sent, ...
宫组词、事组词、 驽乘、文据、经年、桀慢、镖枪、金仪、名网、韵脚、朱竿、设建、墨工、获麟、朱颜、洗濯、强切、到家、测癞、天体、阻长、宫事、