yǒu bāng
意思解释:(Have state)指诸侯。亦泛指国家。
Have a state, call vassal. book · Gao Taomo : Sui of evil of take along sth to sb of collect of of approach of of jab of clear noisy v/LIT an amphora-like jar! Stupid shape have a state, vassal father every day Jing Jishen, respect a 6 heart, treat government affairs in order to believe, can feel vassal. does Cai Shenji pass: Dam evil disease of farsighted Li harding iron! Thin
有组词、邦组词、 椎锻、焦冥、木根、正觉、俵散、说怀、漫坡、定问、子叔、脱却、柔气、眼眯、现眼、皋禽、孕乳、万或、浑黄、居胥、香苞、有邦、