shí jì
意思解释:(Second contact)日全食或月全食过程中,月亮阴影与太阳圆面或地球阴影与月亮圆面第一次内切时二者之间的位置关系。亦指食尽发生的时刻。食既发生在初亏之后。食,通“蚀”。语出《左传·桓公三年》:“秋七月壬辰朔,日有食之,既。”杜预注:“既,尽也。”
Day total eclipse or total lunar eclipse in the begining phenomenon. Also point to the hour that produces this kind of phenomenon. When the second contact of day total eclipse, lunar face cover is whole the day range of glow, this time total eclipse begins. When the second contact of total lunar eclipse, the moon enters earthly shadow completely, at this moment total lunar eclipse begins. ...
食组词、既组词、 丙火、覆觞、喷玉、争钱、夷然、马靴、婞亮、回书、财赂、刑余、奇伎、短讯、众家、偷情、指申、于张、龙润、对状、宫陛、食既、