shè cháo
意思解释:(Set government)帝王莅朝听政。
Conjunction hypothesis conjunction. Before be used at hypothesis a sentence of two or more clauses first of clause, express hypothesis. But interpret is if , if etc. Be like: (After 1) sets 100 years old, be to belong to peace to have authentic (history the Wei Jiwu that write down · installs Hou biographies ) -- if (emperor) after dying, do these people still have what can you trust (The heart of 2) every Wang Zhe, be expert at He Re...
设组词、朝组词、 彼苍、正奇、铜璧、空讳、緑施、水井、滂注、一团、雉羽、丰豹、卖昏、沙鹘、鹏飙、击托、邀挽、垂垂、仓窌、称举、隳摧、设朝、