
hòu liáng

意思解释:(The later Liang dynasty)南朝·梁·岳阳王·萧察降西魏,被立为梁帝,史称后梁(公元554年-587年)。又称北梁。五代之一。 五代 之一。 朱温 代 唐 称帝,国号 梁,史称 后梁 (公元907年-923年)。




< renown > 1. The political power that royalty of You Xiaoliang of period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties builds in Jiang Ling. After the random calm down of Hou scene, ministry happening breaks up inside bridge royalty. 554 years, Yu of desolate of Yue Yang king surrenders the Western Wei Dynasty. The Western Wei Dynasty establishs the king that it is bridge, it is Sui Suo 587 years to destroy. History weigh the later Liang dynasty, with with build photograph of health political power to distinguish. In all 3 emperor, 33 years. 2. Dynasty name. One of the Five Dynasties. 907 years Zhu Wen destroys plum...

