yōu kuí
意思解释:(Care certain herbaceous plants with big flowers)相传春秋时鲁国漆室有女子倚柱而啸,邻妇问她是否想嫁人。漆室女说:我是担心国君年老而太子幼小。邻妇说:这用得着你担忧吗?漆室女说:从前有客人来我家,把马扣在园子里,马跑了,踏坏园里的葵,害得我们终年尝不到葵味。今后鲁国有难,我们即使是女子,难道能避免吗?见汉刘向《列女传·鲁漆室女》。后以“忧葵”喻指担忧国事。
Also make deep sigh leaning on column , care certain herbaceous plants with big flowers , lacquer sighs etc. When age, this place has room of rash country lacquer a woman passed to get married the age has not gotten married. A day, adjacent daughter sees she leans on column deep sigh, think she wants to get married some earlier. Lu Nv runs quickly with the horse step dish of bad certain herbaceous plants with big flowers to make an example, those who explain she is anxious is Lu Jun old, prince young, the country will be random, civilian will meet with disaster. ...
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