bài xīng
意思解释:(Do obeisance to promote)谓跪拜和起立。
拜: 与“败”同音相谐。杏: 与“兴”同音相谐。指碰到不愉快的事,使本来很高的兴致一扫而空。…
Do obeisance to: of P of field of noise of Li of of Bi of Peng of ∮ Ge saddle and promote unisonant photograph humorous. Point to the trouble that encounters unpleasantness, make originally very high interest is swept and empty. ...
拜组词、兴组词、 扳联、沸喧、辞恉、含冻、飨庙、革囊、乐恺、羁贫、胶让、扣弦、天妃、博证、文义、水丹、曲法、经水、齐圣、希觊、沟浍、拜兴、