huǒ guān
意思解释:(Igneous official)古时掌祭火星、行火政之官。
Roll 4, a Buddhist monk of beautiful city clever Shu Rumin, fujian person also. Does the monk ask: Does coil up ask spruce bone hurry does division say: Cling to of Duo of deep and remote ! of pain or numbness caused by cold beg division directive. does division say: Plinth of Jin of of Beng region! My be what is gotten by difficult conference does division say: Ah ! Thin
火组词、官组词、 饮醇、宋本、顿放、步屧、翦平、孤士、款好、谢赏、箝络、雕轮、窭艰、枯凋、更定、喧谕、云履、干持、百脚、无情、谓号、火官、