zhào mǔ
意思解释:(Zhao mother)指战国时赵国大将赵括的母亲。战国时,名将赵奢子赵括少学兵法,尝与奢言兵事,奢不能难,然不谓善。括母问奢,奢曰:“兵,死地也,而括易言之。使赵不将括即已,若必将之,破赵军者必括也。”及括代廉颇为将,其母上书言于王曰:“括不可使将。”又曰:“王终遣之,即有如不称,妾得无随坐乎?”王许诺。后赵括兵败身死,赵母因有先言,得免诛全宗。见《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》。后用为贤母知子之典。
history the cheap that write down · quite Lin Xiangru biographies carry: Anxious protects Feng of fall from the sky always if,Ju of barren of Fu of of deputy of Cai of of ǎ of of ㄉ Chi П chooses draw together of of 5 Tu will arms be defeated surely. The Dai Lian that reach draw together very will, : of Wang Yue of Zhao of submit a written statement to a higher authority of draw together mother Draw together arms defeats a body to die after. Because Zhao mother has first character, riddance...
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